Sunday, December 5, 2010


The hotel should have free WiFi and the hospital should offer free WiFi to patients and patient-advocates as well.  So, it's my plan to keep this updated as much as possible.

Your phone calls, prayers, cards, hugs, and support are appreciated beyond words.  We can't begin to thank all of you for your sweet, sweet love for our family.

If you don't get a personal reply to an email or a quick reply to a phone call, please be patient with me.  And please don't be heartbroken if you don't get a personal reply to something.  You truly do mean so much to all of us.

In awe of His master plan,
Melissa Culver


  1. Praying with you tonight about tomorrow. Looking forward to the updates. Healing, peace, His Glory! -Stephanie Rhoades

  2. Thank you, sweet friend. Hugs, m
