Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Marked Improvements Today

Frank is laughing in this picture--a bad thing
for a person with a very sore tummy.
Post-surgery output on the left.  Output several hours later on the right.
Great, great news all day long.  Where do I start?

  • Kim's output is amazing.  She's filtering blood fantastically!
  • Temperature is good.  It's been up and down, but it's really good.
  • Solid foods for dinner.
  • Out of bed a few times today.  She's gonna take a few laps after dinner.
  • No nausea.  No vomiting.
  • Taking all of her meds with no problems.
  • Blood pressure is great.

  • Frank has been out of bed several times today.
  • Solid foods for awhile now.
  • Has been out of bed periodically since 3:15am.
  • Took several laps around the medical floor.
  • Urine output is fantastic.
  • Catheter has been out now for several hours.
  • Is not in need of any IV fluids.
Not too many pictures to post.  Enjoy these.  (Chris and Kim)

Rejoicing in His awesome work,
Melissa Culver


  1. We are so glad that all is so fantastic. It is awesome how well it has gone for your parents. Love, Carolyn and Loren

  2. Melissa give your mom & dad our love. Our God is so good. Please know our prayers are with all of you. -- Michael & zJanice Spitzer

  3. So incredible!! God is just amazing!

  4. Praising God together with you!!!

  5. Absolutely Amazing how great is our God! Thank you for sharing their progress. Our prayers will continue. Love, Terry R

  6. When I think of all the miracles involved in the 26 donors/recipients, it is just awe inspiring. Dad, Lynne, Steve, Scottie and Troy are in the cheering section of heaven..rejoicing at how advanced medical science is today. Love all the photos! We love you, Mac and Candy

  7. Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow
    Praise Him, all creatures here below
    Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

    Hugs to all:)
    Jay and Amy

  8. RACHEL, I love the blog mom.can't wait to see you.

  9. How great is our God! It shows in this story. Praise God for this amazing blessing!

  10. Frank --- You're a hero!
