Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Kim's Donor

The transplant coordinator came by just a bit ago to tell us that Kim's donor is recovering well.  Praise the LORD!  Yet another beautiful answer to prayer.  Because of HIPPA laws we are very limited to information on other patients.  But, donor/recipient pairs are able to correspond if they both agree.  Kim's donor is interested in connecting with her.  And Kim is interested in connecting with her.  So, we are excited to see what the LORD will bring with that in His sweet time.

Prayerfully remembering the other donor/recipient pairs,
Melissa Culver


  1. Hi, it's me, Maria...Kim's donor. I only spent one night in the hospital and have made a complete recovery. God is so incredibly good and amazing. Thank you for this blog and the ability to really be a part of my recipient's journey.

  2. Thank you, sweet friend. Our God is faithful. Praise His excellent Name! We rejoice in His excellent work. May His Name be praised.

    So glad to hear you are doing SO well! Enjoy your first day back to the classroom. Those kids have missed you dearly. Smiles, m
