Visitors Disclaimer

Kim has been told the following:
  • Your first three months of recovery are the most critical.  Your immune system has been thwarted so that it will not reject your new kidney.
  • Avoid large crowds; if you go to a crowded area make sure that you wear a mask.
  • Wash hands frequently.  Tell any guests who visit you to do the same.
  • Don't hug or shake hands with people.  These are considered "direct contact" and could spread germs easily.
  • If your body is alarming that you are not feeling well--it could be too late.  At that point your body could have a major issue.
  • Don't touch fresh soil.  New potting soil typically has mold spores present.  Contact with new soil could be VERY harmful to you.
So, if you plan to visit Kim and Frank once they return to Merced please note the following:
  • Visitors may be limited.  Visitors must be free of ANY illness no matter how small.
  • In light of needing to avoid large crowds, please note that Kim will not be at church for several months.
  • NO potted plants of ANY kind as well-wishing gifts.

Trusting in His providential care,
Melissa Culver