Monday, June 6, 2011

Six Month Anniversary

I can't believe it myself, but today is the six month anniversary of the whole kidney thing. Yes!  Six months ago we were all here:

And we lived through all of this:

Kim and Frank are doing great!  Recovery has been outstanding.  Kim has absolutely amazed all of the medical staff she works with.  She has progressed along each stage of recovery with flying colors. Just beautifully (Thank you, LORD!).  Frank's recovery is going well.  His health is good.  No news to report there.

Thank you, friends, for caring so much along the way.  Your love, care, and generosity have been such a rich and beautiful blessing to our family.  Thank you so much.

Because of His great love,
Melissa Culver

Friday, June 3, 2011

Kim Met Her Donor

Yesterday Kim and Frank met Kim's donor.  They met Maria at The Cheesecake Factory and had a lovely dinner.

Kim and Frank are still out of town, so I don't have details of their spectacular time together, but I'm sure I'll get plenty here soon.

Rejoicing at the spectacular work He does,
Melissa Culver